Friday, May 22, 2020

The Beatles Across The Universe Guitar Tab & Chord Cheat Sheet

The Beatles Across The Universe Guitar Tab & Chord Cheat Sheet 

Credited to Lennon and McCartney but written by John Lennon 

On a standard-tuned guitar (EADGBE) the song is played in the key of D; however, the recording was slowed electronically, resulting in a lower C# tuning to the ear. The verse beginning "Words are flowing out" (I (D) chord) is notable for a prolonged vi (Bm)–iii (F#m) to ii7 (Em7) minor drop to the dominant chord V7 (A7) on "across the universe" in the 4th bar. On the repeat of this chord sequence a turn following the ii7 (Em7) through a iv minor (Gm) brings the verse to a close before moving on directly to the tonic on the "Jai Guru Deva Om" refrain. 

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